Responding to challenges and existing knowledge gaps facing the cooperative movement, this mapping research seeks to provide exhaustive information on cooperatives worldwide. This is achieved through a process jointly conducted by the ICA and its four regional offices – Cooperatives of the Americas, Cooperatives Europe, ICA Africa, and ICA Asia-Pacific – using a common methodology. Each office collected the input of ICA members present in the countries within its geographic area, by using the same questionnaire, and completing it with relevant national statistics, in order to obtain an accurate picture of the national situation. Mapping out cooperatives in each country provides a more precise picture of the cooperative context at national and regional levels, enhances the movement's visibility, networking, partnerships opportunities, as well as advocacy, and empowers cooperators by providing them tools for positive change.
This webpage presents a snapshot of the key figures research results for Kenya. For more information and the full research results, you can download the full report and highlights using the links above.
The Cooperative movement in Kenya is over 110 years old.
The first Co-operative Society in Kenya, Lumbwa, was formed in the Great Rift Valley at a place called Kipkelion in 1908 by white settlers to market their dairy products. At that time, there was no specific Co-operative legislation, and Lumbwa Cooperative Society was registered under the Business Practices Ordinance as legislated in Great Britain, adopted in India and practiced in Kenya. The society was also to address the farming needs, livestock requirements and marketing channels for the products from the area under its operation.
Kenya counts 7 ICA full member organization and 1 associate member organization. They are: African Confederation of Cooperative Savings & Credit Associations, Cooperative Bank of Kenya, National Cooperative Housing Union Ltd (NACHU), Cooperative Insurance Co. of Kenya Ltd (CIC), Cooperative Alliance of Kenya (CAK), Kenya Cooperative Coffee Exporters Ltd (KCCE), Cooperative University of Kenya (CUK), and Kenya Union of Savings and Credit Cooperative Ltd (KUSCCO).
The ICA member data was completed by of one of the full member organization: Kenya Union of Savings and Credit Cooperative Ltd (KUSCCO)
KUSCCO is the umbrella body for SACCOs and its key roles are mainly advocacy and representation. In addition, KUSCCO offer SACCOs and other cooperatives financial and technical assistance, tailored to largely benefit the middle- and low-income earners both in Kenya’s rural and urban areas.
The legal framework analysis aims to provide general knowledge of the national cooperative legislation and of its main characteristics and contents, with particular regard to those aspects of regulation regarding the identity of cooperatives and its distinction from other types of business organisations, notably the for-profit shareholder corporation.
It aims to evaluate whether the national legislation in place supports or hampers the development of cooperatives, and is therefore “cooperative friendly” or not, and the degree to which it may be considered so, also in comparison to the legislation in force in other countries of the ICA region, or at the supranational level.
In addition, the research aims to provide recommendations for eventual renewal of the legal frameworks in place in order to understand what changes in the current legislation would be necessary to improve its degree of “cooperative friendliness”, which is to say, to make the legislation more favourable to cooperatives, also in consideration of their specific identity. This webpage presents a snapshot of the legal framework analysis results for Kenya.
The history of the co-operative movement in Kenya dates to 1908 when the first dairy co-operative was established by white settlers in Kenya.
Cooperatives are regulated by laws enacted by Parliament to govern the operations of cooperatives. These laws require the cooperative societies to incorporate the cooperative principles in their by-laws before registration. The existing laws are presented in the Table below:
Regulation |
Type of cooperative and nature of regulation |
Key Components |
Link to Full Text |
The Constitution Kenya, 2010. |
All cooperatives |
Devolvement of cooperative mandate from the national government to the counties |
The Co-operative Societies Act Cap. 490 Rev. 2005
All cooperatives |
Relates to the constitution, registration, regulation and management of co-operative societies. |
By-laws of cooperatives |
All cooperatives |
Governs management of the societies |
Sacco Societies Act, 2008 | Deposit-taking Sacco’s | Licensing and governance by SASRA | www.kenyalaw.org |
Income Tax Act, Chapter 470 |
All cooperatives |
Taxation |
From the view of the expert, the implementation of national cooperative legislation has been characterized by some tensions between cooperatives and the government. This is an indication that the degree of cooperative friendliness is not satisfactory. There is over regulation of cooperative societies by the Commissioner for Cooperative Development who has enormous powers under the Cooperative Societies Act in relation to various aspects.
Despite the hindrances in the law, the cooperative movement in Kenya is very successful. Cooperatives comply with the law and as a result they are able to achieve their objective of promoting members’ interests, social and economic welfare. There are incentives given by the government for cooperatives in form of debt waivers, grants to boost production and economic activities of members. With regards to the degree of ‘cooperative friendliness’, the Cooperative Societies Act is more cooperative friendly than not.
The Cooperative Societies Act and the SACCO Societies Act as national laws governing cooperatives in Kenya need review in order to enhance growth, expansion and development of cooperative societies. The review should be done in the nine areas listed in the report. Also, there is need to improve the national law to give cooperatives autonomy and independence. The government should be limited to exercise its control over cooperative business to make cooperative law friendly to the users. The Cooperative Societies Act and the SACCO Societies Act require improvement because over time, the manner of doing business in some sectors especially housing, marketing, transport, finance, and the service sector has changed.
There is need to make changes in relation to the national legislation in the following sectors:
There is need to reform the cooperative laws to enhance growth of cooperatives in the dynamic world. The main areas that require consideration include legal and regulatory framework, cooperative structure and financing, cooperative governance, cooperative production and value addition, ICT cooperative education and research and other emerging issues in the sector. The State Department for Cooperatives have developed a cooperative policy and once finalized, it will pave the way for the review of the Cooperative Societies Act.
The legal frameworks analysis is a tool developed under the ICA-EU Partnership #coops4dev. It is an overview of the national legal frameworks at the time of writing. The views expressed within are not necessarily those of the ICA, nor does a reference to any specific content constitute an explicit endorsement or recommendation by the ICA.